Your vote needs you like you need it, and it's time to be EXACTLY who you came here to be, going in the right direction for you, per the steps most likely to get you there. It's time to ensure that no one who has become very small with limits and insecurity is effectively cutting into, influencing, or acting on the discounting of your vote.
Many today are discounting themselves to their core, and who's to say what's really there (or not)? One thing is for sure—if they are discounting themselves, they are discounting you, too. Something is missing. They just don't get it. You need to be seen so that you can inspire naturally, moving forward in the world with your wisdom and experience, humanity, and spirit.
All the analysis, questioning, or distraction in the world won't let you off the hook for this one - not this time.
In order to do well, your vote needs only be in the direction that you think is best, in full acknowledgment that such a thing exists, OR you must be willing to work further positively with the reality that exists and shows itself to you.
You will never have it both ways and saying or acting as though you do is a fool's loop. It isn't a journey; it's a loop that repeats, hoping to be seen and transformed by its beholder.
This planet has evolved to align with a universe supporting an increasingly improved direction and those who choose, create, and call for it.
The Individual Value Code
You can be conflicted and still allow things to work out by making one choice followed by another. The latter either builds on or adjusts for something in the former, with the idea being to build on it.
We're headed in one working direction. If you don't know what it is, look to those who do – they are out there, and let it work for you using your own ability to learn, see, and judge for yourself. That's a pretty good way to judge – openly and freely. We need every voice and every double set of ears to let the authenticity and every purpose of every person here ring out.
There is a wash-out happening that will continue and practically take care of itself. For our experience to catch up to our needs and desires for ourselves and the rest of (the connected part of) humanity – true humanity, it had to be. What has been secured needs to be brought home faster, more safely, and in a way that is as easy and fun as possible.
Your vote counts now. So who is it for – yourself, someone else, the thing in between you that is bigger than but connected to you both that is also bigger than you both? Is it to something real or something false? Is it based on fear, or are you ready to see who you are by daring to step into it?
Discovery and Foresight – A Winning Sight
It's all about your refusal to play both sides today when only one can make it tomorrow. Things really have become black and white, analogous to the powerful symbology of our night and our day, the darkness, the hidden, and the light that allows you to move freely and more safely. And in this dichotomy, your authenticity shines as a beacon of truth.
It's about either moving with the times and recognizing that they – and our role within them are good - or keeping yourself in a holding zone somewhere outside of and pinched off from reality.
You can see the side that someone is on, and you must know that the one causing the problems and not answering the questions in a detailed and satisfactory, from-the-heart, and with-the-facts way is not the one who solves problems and has the answers and solutions.
One side had to go. Which side are you on; is it the side of humanity that involves you as one vital, authentic piece of the healthy whole on this changing, life-supporting planet, or are you on the side that resists, suppresses, denies, talks over, and tramples on it in favor of an unsustainable oblivion? Those are your choices.
A Divide as Necessary as Healthy
A palpable divide grew among us that was as healthy as it was necessary, albeit painful, perplexing, and confusing at times. It wasn't divisive. It was a divide. It was created as a group that we refer to as the One Nines stood up against the evil ways of that which opposed the humanity in us, taking it on as many times as needed, wherever it was. Much of this came in the form of those working in the depths of big food and medicine and forming the growing concept of 'Autism.'
Real change has been happening, and now it's time to make the world healthy, heal, clean up, and proceed to do amazing things through it all – things that we couldn't do before, in a time of less hindrance, more capability, freedom, health that you can support so that it supports you back, more awareness, growth, technological advancement, fresh water, air, and yes - the miraculous-as-normal.
Prioritize your voice and direction above all else.
Your vote can be found beneath your conditioning. It's who you are and thus connected to what you can do. A physical and spiritual vote will come from the right place in a normal human being.
The only question is whether or not it's clear through all interference, fear, or old conditioning. Both should reflect one another, and if you can eliminate the noise for personal empowerment and clarity, you can connect what is good to what is manifest.
The idea is to continually evolve what we can enjoy and build further. Cut through fear to choose what is best known and shaped by you, in the merging of what you come into the world with and complete, now promoted by a new environment that has expanded enough for you to expand with it.
Interfering signals are exactly that; we have a mess to clean up. Remember to clear these out.
You are not your external attachments or critical inner voice, but if this is what you're expressing, you may not support the things that really matter in a way that works out. This is big because it pertains to what is bigger than all of us, but that impacts all of us.
Getting these things right, having a voice, and boundaries around them is essential. It means that something bigger than you or I can be in good shape to be doing what it needs to support both of us individually, but that you still get to do with it as you may, and so do I. The individual response can be respected, but the thing that matters must also have a certain degree of integrity.
A human being, connected, has a way of showing up!
If you want the people and things you love to be in better shape, get closer to who you are. Express that without trying too hard. It's already there, and if you're already a reasonably good person, you will naturally improve it. Trust that. Let it work for you without you trying to do the entire job.
You want to develop and choose the ability to hear yourself first, to include that wiser part that accounts for more of who you are. It comes in when there's space and ensures that you're never alone in gauging the present connection to the desired future outcome and experience.
When you cast your vote for humanity by tapping into and knowing that humanity can come back around to support you, think time, intention, trust (action plus faith, never one without the other), and connection.
Dedicate time each day for at least a week to being alone with a clear mind. This practice of solitude and mental clarity will help you distinguish what indeed belongs to you versus what is influenced by others. You can tell your thoughts from those belonging to others (people, energies, or things).
It serves as an anchor, grounding you in your own thoughts and feelings as you navigate life.