The old souls hold the keys to our current situation, and today, the right people are both empowered and empowering. Their guidance comes from something greater than humanity, yet still deeply connected to it—specifically to those who truly possess this connection. It is not about those who once thought they had control but about those who genuinely embody it.
Their guidance arises from a source larger than us and intertwined with our collective experience. It is free from contradiction and the limitations of conditioning, proving itself without straying from reality.
We needed a win that would allow those who had outgrown and outpaced the past to move forward, despite those who would stand in their way, and in the most unusual but effective way, we got many. The work ahead is different than the work behind. Understanding both will make you unstoppable. Join us for a course that will help you be just that - unstoppable!
One Nines serves to educate and empower those who continue traversing the tail end of the shift in a way that is safer, faster, and more fun.
Amy Serion is a dynamic, compassionate, and pioneering leader who has established the One Nines community and Academy to provide a solid foundation in the new energy and spotlight ongoing issues in the light of new-era answers and solutions.
One Nines speaks to the changes we've seen and the implications, solutions, and allowances that come through them. Through various collaborations, Amy reveals an intricate understanding of past events, the major issues of our times, and the power of the right people in the right time.
As a pioneer in her field, Amy presents the unique opportunity to break away from the conventional to get ahead of the issues. She continues to expand the field of Higher Communication and Healing into everyday life and invites you to discover the power of truth in healing for yourself!
The name One Nines indicates change, a winning start, and an end-as-new-beginning. It required a monumental effort made by humanity in a pivotal time. During that time, old systems began to wash out and be replaced.
Freedom and future were at stake. It's a story of an old ideology meeting a new caliber of humanity in a time when only one was supported. It’s time to learn about that and take it even further. We invite you to go from being surprised by the events in your life to recognizing your role in a fight that you wouldn’t have stayed out of and the door to the future that you have opened.
The One Nines people and event closed the gap on high consciousness and low, largely beneath conscious awareness, true to the times. It couldn’t have happened without Autism-a word standing just in front of a brilliant design-of-a-reality that allowed a future to be secured that we could come back to with our families, evolve, and advance in.
Today, we become aware and intentional in our continued movement through trying but opportunity-rich times.
What is known as Autism was Amy's introduction to the peak of corruption and the change that was in the air - the ensuing battle, shift, and change happening among humanity.
The experience introduced shifting dynamics and challenges that she unraveled in order to access the answers and solutions that she knew were there.
Higher consciousness was emerging from powerful experiences and a fight for the win. There was attack and opposition to humanity and the goal to break through and move forward in a creation-based, connective universe.
A new bar was set by the right people, working in innovative ways, in the right time. It happened under the noses and radar of those who would opposed and hinder them.
Akin to a collective power of undercover soul-collaboration those people undertook and won a physical, spiritual battle through a winning start, an end-as-new beginning, and everything that needed to happen in between.
Over decades, people were given ample time to pick a side and dig in – and they did. During this period, our experiences and desires shifted the dynamics on the planet and beyond.
Consciousness expanded, leading to a time of ongoing, positive change, and the grip of corruption was finally broken by the best working definition of God and true definition of humanity: humanity, connected.
Amy connected to the future while facing the impact of the past and the positive correlate impact of the (timeless) future. Today, she provides invaluable information and transformative insights around the events that unfolded while connecting others with the solutions and answers that are needed.
She empowers those who broke through the corruption and created real and lasting change, nurturing the connected part of humanity and encouraging the growing aspects of human consciousness, experience, and capability across sectors.
Today, the unsustainable oblivion and the antics of those supporting it don't stand up to progress and are being pulled back to fade out completely. It's a period of transition that awareness alongside the right information and tools empowers.
Humanity exceeds forward on a faster track. It's new. Even the physics have changed; everything has. As the opportunity is navigated in the presence of higher consciousness and lack of past hindrance, we are bringing the vision, implications, and way forward to the forefront and deep into results.
We're here to assist a world of people with varying needs to do the work they wish to do in ways that work well for them. It starts with understanding what can be done and how and quickly moves into specific areas and needs – past, present, and to-be.
Amy has developed an online portal with emerging courses, streaming material, and resources tailored to the needs of a growing public base and private clientele.
She has a coaching program for those impacted by Autism and a membership portal with exclusive material and resources for those who served on the front lines of the major issues of our times. They took on the old energy and came out on the other side. The program shows them what is newly possible and how to identify and access it.
They can target the information they need for a particular issue or goal and engage and benefit from community Q&A events.
In the One Nines Blog, Amy emphasizes the importance of honoring what it means to be in an expanded reality from one much smaller. For example, she emphasizes the importance of honoring what you can see that you couldn’t see before and staying out of judgment. The blog provides a solid foundation of information for the new energy and practical applications for healing, communication, connection, and advancement going forward.
That's growth and the only direction we know – no matter what we're looking at. The name of the game is multi-dimensionality, and it's true to reality whether approached from the top view or the practical application. The topics discussed in the blog are always rooted in connection and success.